Community Supported Agriculture CSA
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Just Food Resiliency Report
This community stakeholder research report which was completed in December 2020, was the culmination to a series of three Fresh Connect Trainings on Community Food Project Planning & Design that we presented to community members in September 2020. The report demonstrates how various food system actors in New York City successfully pivoted their operations to respond to the pandemic, and highlights how these community-based, regional food distribution systems were resilient in the face of the shock to the food supply chain.
It concludes with policy recommendations that would allow the New York City and State governments to support grassroots food security and sovereignty efforts in order to ensure the viability of small-scale regional agriculture.
"In the face of this crisis, these communities rallied to support the regional food system and in turn, Farmers and CSAs pivoted to nourish their communities."
Resiliency from the Front Lines: COVID-19 Response & Action by NYC Community Food Projects
Just Food Virtual Forums
Slow Money NYC The New Green Webinar Series
“Urban Farming: Undoing a Legacy of Land Theft and White Washing”
RIPESS Intercontinental Webinar Series
“Beyond COVID19 Emergency: Food Sovereignty and the Right to Food”
This webinar focused the discussion on how the present crisis is affecting the right to food and food security from both producers and consumers points of view. It also explored how the existing social solidarity economy can provide an important part of the answer.